
New Student

I just started school today, and there was this new student in my Spanish immersion class. His name was Patrick, spelled with a 'D' instead of a 'T' and all sorts of weird thing. But I liked him. I mean, he was cute, which was nice, but he's really sweet. But the really cute got him a one-way ticket into brainless land. The land of the preps. The popular kids' world. Ohhhhh, I hate them so much. I cared to talk to him first. I showed him how to get to PE first. And you know what they did? In less then five minutes hanging out with them, they sucked out his friend brains with bendy straws. Slurp. Gone. He's never coming back.
I bet they don't even like him. The way I see it, the only reason the popular kids hang out with the popular kids is because they're all popular kids. They get together, and they hate it, but they love talking about how important they are. They like to stomp on the little people behind their backs. And then they stomp on each other from behind each other's backs.
Not to say I'm not popular. I'm pretty sure I am. I have friends--I have lots of friends. I like them. We hang out, we laugh, we have fun. It's great. But I'm not one of the officially self-nominated 'Popular kids', who seem to know everyone in the school and the gossip and who's dating who and all the stupid crap they talk about.
For the rest of the day I ranted about them "Stealing my new kid."

But on a nicer, less stereotypical, note, I had a great time at school today, no matter how horribly nerdy that sounds. I got a lot of good teachers I had before, good classes, it was nice seeing everyone again. Plus, I made a new buddy. (No, not the one who got his brains sucked out through his ears with bendy straws.) Her name is Meadow--isn't it pretty?--and she's one of my pal's younger sisters. She's my new sixth-grade buddy. And a couple of the ninth-graders that were friends last year came to visit us lowly middle-schoolers.
I'm sure it'll only take me a while to adjust to my new schedule and stuff, and that's when the stream of posts containing things like "They stole my new student" will stop, so anyone who bothers to read this won't have to endure them for too long.

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