
Anime Club -UPDATE-

My anime club is finally together! I stalked the vice-principal for about a week and a half, and I finally got consent. So I've already got eight members--Taylor, Elizabeth (she's new to anime--we're going to get her just as obsessed as the rest of us), Josephine, Max, Maddie, Lindsey, Meadow, and Schuylar. All I need is some kind of game to play. We could always form a glop circle, but that wouldn't be too fun with only eight people. And then we could do trivia, or play Pin the Camera on the Ritsuka (A pause for uproarus laughter from Loveless fans.)
The best part though, is that I am completly in charge. I formed the club, so I am the leader. Which makes me happy, because I have always wanted to lead something for the sake of leading something. I like being able to boss people around. And I hate taking orders--I would launch into a rant, but nobody wants to hear it, I promise.

Shoutout to Nick who is my boyfriend and probably not reading this.

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