

Ohhh. I finally know how it feels to have cramps. Whenever my friends complain about it I'm like, "Sucks for you", and I disregard it. NEVER. AGAIN. I've had my period before, yes, but it HURT. LIKE. HELL this time. I could barley walk I was double over in pain almost all day. I went to school anyways, of course, and everyone was really nice to me--haha. Pain makes everyone nice to you. And Schuylar was the best today. Whenever he saw me he came over and gave me a hug and asked if I was okay. And then at the end of the day he was all like, "You looked so sad all of today. I feel horrible." It almost made me cry.
It's official. I have the best friends ever.
Except for maybe that's not a good thing, because--close your eyes if you hate bad cliches or romance novels--I have a boyfriend, and Schuylar matured a lot over the summer (yay for no more fart jokes), and mellowed out a bit, and now I think I'm getting a little TOO fond of him. I mean, I really try hard not to, but it's hard. I feel so bad for Nick, who I sincerly hope did not decide to start checking out my blog. Because I really like him a lot, more then Schuylar in that sense, and I just should not have even started the whole relationship--not because I don't like him--but becuase 1) I knew something like this would happen, and 2) middle school relationships are overrated even though Nick is in high school now.

If ANYONE has advice for me, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Shoes and Shaved Cats

I was walking my dog today, and we saw this cat. I was like, "Oh. A cat. Whatever." But then it stood up, and I figured out that it was bald. This cat had been shaved. It might have been for a surgery, but it looked really, really funny. It's feet were still furry, so it looked like it was wearing boots.

Have you ever bought a pair of shoes that, once you've worn them once, feel like they're going to make your feet fall off? I bought a nice pair, and as soon as I put them on I had a blister the size of my thumb on my heel. It was horrible. But I can't bring myself to tell my mom, because then she's get pissed off by the store. I sort of am too. I mean, don't they test their shoes before they sell them?


I've been reading and watching Bleach recently. I'm in the middle of episode two, and it seems pretty good. I find Orahime endearing--I mean, not only can she get hit by a car and then say "Oh, yes, I probably did," but she's freaking cute. I think the creator of Bleach looked up moe, copied the definition, and then made a character created for it. I'm sure I'll find some reason to hate her later on--something annoyingly sue-ish, but for now she's among my top two. Rukia is my favorite, because she kicks ass. Major ass. And her drawings are awesome.
-End pointlessness-

Anime Club -UPDATE-

My anime club is finally together! I stalked the vice-principal for about a week and a half, and I finally got consent. So I've already got eight members--Taylor, Elizabeth (she's new to anime--we're going to get her just as obsessed as the rest of us), Josephine, Max, Maddie, Lindsey, Meadow, and Schuylar. All I need is some kind of game to play. We could always form a glop circle, but that wouldn't be too fun with only eight people. And then we could do trivia, or play Pin the Camera on the Ritsuka (A pause for uproarus laughter from Loveless fans.)
The best part though, is that I am completly in charge. I formed the club, so I am the leader. Which makes me happy, because I have always wanted to lead something for the sake of leading something. I like being able to boss people around. And I hate taking orders--I would launch into a rant, but nobody wants to hear it, I promise.

Shoutout to Nick who is my boyfriend and probably not reading this.


Aishiteru Anime Club

My school is one of the only schools in the district that doesn't have an anime club, so I decided to make one. I have six member so far, I think. I have a place to meet, and I have a supervisor. All I need is permission from the vice-principal to get going.
I have some stuff planned out for us to do; share manga, fanart we've done, fanfiction... But I think I need some games. I can't think of anything anime-related, though, besides a glomp circle, which I might pull out of my hat if I really can't think of anything.
If anyone out there thinks they can give me a hand, that'd be great.

-Uber short entry-


New Student

I just started school today, and there was this new student in my Spanish immersion class. His name was Patrick, spelled with a 'D' instead of a 'T' and all sorts of weird thing. But I liked him. I mean, he was cute, which was nice, but he's really sweet. But the really cute got him a one-way ticket into brainless land. The land of the preps. The popular kids' world. Ohhhhh, I hate them so much. I cared to talk to him first. I showed him how to get to PE first. And you know what they did? In less then five minutes hanging out with them, they sucked out his friend brains with bendy straws. Slurp. Gone. He's never coming back.
I bet they don't even like him. The way I see it, the only reason the popular kids hang out with the popular kids is because they're all popular kids. They get together, and they hate it, but they love talking about how important they are. They like to stomp on the little people behind their backs. And then they stomp on each other from behind each other's backs.
Not to say I'm not popular. I'm pretty sure I am. I have friends--I have lots of friends. I like them. We hang out, we laugh, we have fun. It's great. But I'm not one of the officially self-nominated 'Popular kids', who seem to know everyone in the school and the gossip and who's dating who and all the stupid crap they talk about.
For the rest of the day I ranted about them "Stealing my new kid."

But on a nicer, less stereotypical, note, I had a great time at school today, no matter how horribly nerdy that sounds. I got a lot of good teachers I had before, good classes, it was nice seeing everyone again. Plus, I made a new buddy. (No, not the one who got his brains sucked out through his ears with bendy straws.) Her name is Meadow--isn't it pretty?--and she's one of my pal's younger sisters. She's my new sixth-grade buddy. And a couple of the ninth-graders that were friends last year came to visit us lowly middle-schoolers.
I'm sure it'll only take me a while to adjust to my new schedule and stuff, and that's when the stream of posts containing things like "They stole my new student" will stop, so anyone who bothers to read this won't have to endure them for too long.



It even smelled like awesome. I had a great time at Kumoricon. I went with Taylor--who goes by Kitsune here, I think. On Saturday we were there from eleven-thirty-ish to about seven. Two of those hours were spent waiting in line. Once we got our passes, we wandered around aimlessly taking pictures of people and chatting. There was nothing going on so we went over to the dealers room and widdled away our money on useless souvineers that we knew we would only use once. (I got a couple plushies, a portrait of the two of us, and some other junk.) Then we went over to the park that was next to the hotel and joined the glomp circle.
A glomp circle is a circle of people, and it works a bit like spin the bottle. You throw the bottle into the air, and wait until it stops, pointing at someone. Once you figure out who it's pointing at, you run and tackle-hug them.
And I hugged a Mewtwo.
Which was really freaking awesome.

I didn't go on Sunday, even though I wanted to. I went to see Phantom of the Opera, which was nice, but not nearly as fun as Kumoricon. Anyways, Monday was a little better I think. I went to a couple panels: on on shipping and another on making cosplay costumes. And I won a DVD for dressing a Gaara plushie up in an oversized "I heart yaoi" shirt and dancing him around on a table for a mini plushie cosplay contest. He won the category of "Best Fangirl Immitation." It was uncanny.
We watched a few AMVs that day, and then ate lunch at the cafe and picked up t-shirts at the dealers room. Since we had some time to kill, we went off and joined the glomp circle again, which was fun. We met on of y pals--Schuylar--there and on of his friends that I didn't know, and we hung out. I thought the closing was boring, since the charity auction lasted longer then we'd thought and the cerimony was a couple AMVs we'd already seen and some slides with a ton of writing. There was one quiet moment though in which a bunch of people started yelling things. One was "I lost the game", and another was "Objection" with a response of "Overruled."
"The Game" can actually be played by anyone. You can't think of the game, and that is the game. If you think of the game, you have to yell "I lost the game."

And by the way, I lost the game.

So I Heard You Liek Mudkip.

Heyheyhey. It's Zeyh. No rhyme intended.
I have created this blog for venting, and to let my friends know what I've been doing. I'm sure not many care, but I thought it'd be nice anyways.
A bit about me; I am thirteen, going into the eighth grade in three days. I'm not particularly scared or anxious about it. Just another year, right? I tend to boast about everything--my ego is five or six times bigger then absolutely necessary. I am an Otaku. I am proud to be an Otaku.
I write fanfiction, and draw fanarts, which is fun, but I'm still working on a personal style. --WARNING: Shameless self promotion-- If your interested in my work at all, you can go and check out my DeviantART account at: http://www.zeyh-chan.deviantart.com/ --End shameless self promotion--

This title is inspired by a DeviantART joke that has been going around. On April Fools' Day of some year, the DeviantART team posted "So I heard you liek mudkip" on random people's pages. It started a joke, and it lives on in our hearts.